If you acquire a brand new Linux shared website hosting service, it's generated on a server and the entire process will take a while, including the confirmation and processing of your fee, which a lot of companies make manually. When you order a dedicated server, for example, the configuration takes more time because the machine must be built, installed and tried so as to guarantee that it will function properly. By reason of this, numerous suppliers have a one-time cost so as to cover the time and efforts devoted to your brand new account. The charge, which sometimes is high, is normally not shown on the front page, yet you'll notice it on your checkout or payment page, therefore you will not be aware of it before you've already gone through the whole registration process and you can even miss it if you do not pay attention.

Setup Fee in Shared Website Hosting

We never charge anything on top of the cost of the Linux shared website hosting service that you pick, so you will not need to pay any installation charges or any kind of fees different from what you've already found on the front page. We think that being honest with our customers is of basic importance for making a long-lasting business partnership, that being said we will never expect you to pay concealed charges of any type, especially for something that's nearly entirely automatic and usually takes a couple of minutes to be completed by our system. You will not pay set-up costs even when you order a number of accounts plus they will all be fully active immediately, so you can start creating your sites. The full amount that you have to pay for each of our plans is the very same that you will see on our front page.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our semi-dedicated server packages are activated instantly and with no additional installation fees. The worth that you will pay upon signup is identical to what you will pay to renew your account the following months and the cost that you can find both on our home page & on your bank statement. In the event that you currently have a standard shared hosting plan from our company and you are getting a semi-dedicated server in order to get extra power, we'll relocate all your info and we'll still not charge you a dime in addition to the ordinary monthly charge for your new package. As the process is virtually entirely automatic, we consider that that there is absolutely no reason to charge you an extra amount of dollars, so the cost that you find on the web site is all that you need to spend.

Setup Fee in VPS Servers

Our VPS server packages are devoid of installation charges and any hidden charges of any sort. In case you obtain such a plan, we'll create your server, mount its OS, web server software, MySQL, etcetera, and we shall give you a completely functional machine at no additional expenses. All you'll have to pay will be the standard monthly price for the plan you've picked and that price is identical for the subsequent months too. It's our principle that charging you additional money for a procedure that's almost entirely automatic is very unreasonable, that's why the amount you can find on our main page is the same as the one that will appear on your bank statement. That is valid even if we move one or several websites from a shared hosting account to a new virtual server.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers

Using a dedicated server obtained through our company, you'll never see any hidden charges and you'll never need to pay any setup fees. The price of the plan you have chosen is stated on our website and it is the one price that you'll see on both the order and the payment pages. We think that having a new client and developing a long-term relationship is more significant than getting a few more dollars, therefore we will assemble your machine, install all of the required software and try it totally free of charge. We will even transfer all your information absolutely free if you already have a shared web hosting package from us and you would like to migrate to a dedicated server that is ordered with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel.